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      Please note that we are presently editing this page.  To date, one of the trees has been removed,and the others are in the process of being cut down.  The gravel pile is now gone.  We are most grateful to those who have come to our aid.

       Here at Regina Pacis Motherhouse, in Hartland, Michigan, the Sisters have three dead or dying pine trees that need to be cut down.  We are pleading for help with this task.  If anyone thinks he may be able to help us safely take these trees down, please contact us on our Donate page with your name and phone number and we will get back to you with more specifics.  The trees that need removal are pictured below.

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     Above is another project with which we would appreciate a hand.  We have now moved about two yards of what had been a five yard pile of stone, but help with spreading the remaining stone would be gratefully accepted.


     Please know that all of our benefactors are constantly remembered in our prayers.  One of our ancient Dominican invocations asks that God, for His holy Name's sake, bless with eternal life, those who have done us good.  

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